Mystery of Exploring in Papua New Guinea, Searching for Flying Dragons
island photography by: Jonathan Whitcomb
The Ropen of the Southwest Pacific
My interpreter/body-guard, Luke Paina of Lae, accompanied me on the Spartan carego-passenger ship,
as we sailed for Umboi Island, Papua New Guinea. We disembarked at Lab Lab, a small community on
the southeast coast of Umboi, and took a banana boat to Opai Beach the next morning.
After hiking up into the interior, we arrived at Gomlongon Village, where I gave out presents to key
villagers. Luke and I were given the use of the best house in the area, making it our base camp. I was
anxious to begin searching for the legendary ropen, a flying creature who description suggests it is a
giant pterosaur. Western ideas about extinctions millions of years ago---those count for little in the
remote tropical islands of Papua New Guinea. Read about my 2004 expedition.
My life changed from those two weeks on that remote tropical island. I, Jonathan Whitcomb, am no
longer a forensic videographer. I am now an author, a writer of nonfiction about living pterosaurs.
What is the “ropen?”
What is cryptozoology?
To some native islanders of
Umboi, it a flying creature
both physical and spiritual:
“like a man” but also “like a
spirit.” To American explorers
who search for it, the ropen
may be a Rhamphorhynchoid
pterosaur, and a giant one.
The study or pursuit of new
or old animals hidden from
standard classifications in
zoology textbooks by their
being known mostly through
eyewitness accounts. Some
examples include the Loch
Ness “Nessie” creature, the
Bigfoot of North America, and
the ropen of Papua New
Guinea. This is about the
mystery of the ropen.